High and Low Ankle Sprain Treatment

The ankle sprain is the most frequent muscular/skeletal injury. According to the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, approximately 25,000 people each day experience an ankle sprain. Ankle sprains range in degrees of severity due to how badly the ligaments were torn. Sprains can sometimes be confused with tendonitis, which is chronic inflammation or a tear in the tendons of the ankle which connect muscle to bone.

High ankle sprain treatment

The ankle is made up of three bones in the lower leg: the tibia, the fibula, and the talus. These bones form the ankle joint at the base of the leg with ligaments that stabilize the ankle.

The difference between the “high ankle sprain” and the “low ankle sprain” is in the different ligaments damaged. The high ankle sprain is much more severe despite the lack of swelling and bruising locally. The set of ligaments injured in a high ankle sprain is called the syndesmosis, located above the ankle joint and binds together the tibia and fibula.

At Prevent & Fix, treatment of high ankle sprains in Scottsdale includes the typical RICE protocol of rest, ice, compression and elevation. Ice therapy works to calm down inflammation. However, tissue therapy alleviates the inflammation in the ankle and strengthens the leg and ankle muscles to prevent further ankle sprains. Grigor works lightly at first until the client can walk properly; thereafter, he uses deep muscle therapy to fix the injury completely.

Low ankle sprains

Similar to high ankle sprain, the “low ankle sprain” is distinguished injuring a ligament called “ATFL”, which stands for the anterior talofibular ligament, which runs on the outside of the ankle between the end of the fibula to the talus. Symptoms can be pain, swelling, and even bruising depending on the severity of the sprain, experienced on the outside of the foot.

The root cause of many sprains is with the hips not being even. Due to the fact that the hips are the center of the body, with uneven hips the cross of energy when the feet land on the ground is displaced which makes the ankles more prone to a sprain. Through Grigor’s work, he makes sure that the hips are made even to prevent future sprains.

With Grigor, the treatment of low ankle sprains in Scottsdale includes the RICE protocol with deep tissue therapy to strengthen the muscles and a vitamin regiment with the additions of B-complex for nerve stress and valerian for muscle relaxation, getting you back to your healthy everyday life.